Non-invasive, patented and clinically proven
The Guardian Sport Rehabilitator™ is a new, clinically proven and non-invasive device that significantly reduces pain, corrects gait and strengthens the quadriceps and hamstrings, effectively delaying OA progression and potential need for total knee replacement. If surgery becomes necessary, it should be used before and after the operation to strengthen the leg to accelerate recovery and improve patient outcome.
Wear 30-90 days before surgery to strengthen leg, reduce pain and correct gait. Post-surgical use, combined with physical therapy, speeds recover.*
Guardian Sport Rehabilitator™ achieves these results with a patented extension swing assist and pneumatic air components that no other wearable rehab technology offers.
Sufferers of bone-on-bone arthritis in the knee say this about their experience with the Guardian Rehabilitator™
Reach out now to discover how our Guardian Sport Rehabilitator™ can transform your life!